welas® digital system

On account of the patented T-aperture technology and the fast digital signal processing, the optical aerosol spectrometers from Palas® are the only systems in the world without border zone error, with coincidence detection and with coincidence correction. Unique are up to four measuring ranges in only one device: 0.12 µm – 3.5 µm (additionally in welas® digital 1000 and Promo® 1000) 0.2 µm – 10 µm 0.3 µm – 17 µm 0.6 µm – 40 µm 2 µm – 100 µm (additionally for sensors 2300 and 2500). welas® digital system and Promo® system are famous for up to 128 size channels per measuring range and a concentration range from < 1 particle/cm3 to 106 particles/cm3.welas® digital technology allows unambiguous measurement of particle size on an individual particle, without dilution, also in the highest concentration up to 106particles/cm3. The patented optical fibre technology allows quasi-simultaneous measurement at two measurement points up to 100 m apart with one device and two sensors.Unique in the world: The broad spectrum of easily exchangeable welas® aerosol sensors enables perfect matching of the measurement technology with the particle spectrum (120 nm to 100 µm) to be measured, the particle concentrations, the respective pressure and temperature ranges.Calibration can be performed on-site independently by the customer!This allows reliable and economical particle size and concentration analyses even in difficult environments. Differences of welas® digital models   welas® digital 1000 welas® digital 2000 welas® digital 3000 Measurement range (size) 0,12 µm – 3,5 µm, 0,2 µm – 10 µm, 0,3 µm – 17 µm, 0,6 µm – 40 µm 0,2 µm – 10 µm, 0,3 µm – 17 µm, 0,6 µm – 40 µm, 2 µm – 100 µm 0,2 µm – 10 µm, 0,3 µm – 17 µm, 0,6 µm – 40 µm, 2 µm – 100 µm Measurement range (number CN) < 5 • 105 particles/cm3 < 1 • 106 particles/cm3 < 1 • 106 particles/cm3 Volume flow 5 l/min, 1.6 l/min 5 l/min 5 l/min Light source Xenon Hochdrucklampe 75 W Xenon arc lamp 35 W Xenon arc lamp 35 W

welas® digital 1000

welas® digital 1000

Powerful aerosol spectrometer with the highest particle size resolution, measuring range from 120 nm to 40 µm

welas® digital 2000

welas® digital 2000

Aerosol spectrometer with an aerosol sensor, highest particle size resolution, measuring range from 200 nm to 100 µm with light wave conductor technology

welas® digital 3000

welas® digital 3000

Aerosol spectrometer with two aerosol sensors, highest particle size resolution, measuring range from 200 nm to 100 µm for quasi simultaniously measurements

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