Aerosol Sensors

The modular structure of the welas® digital and Promo® systems enables the aerosol sensors to be changed quickly and easily within a model group.

Depending on the application, aerosol sensors are available for different concentration ranges from < 1 particle/cc to 100000 particles/cc.

The aerosol sensors can be pressure-resistant up to 10 bar for isobaric or heatable up to 470 °C for isothermal measuring conditions.  They can also be manufactured in technical materials, e.g. Hasteloy for the measurement of chemically aggressive aerosols.

Using the patented fibre optic technology, the aerosol sensors can be attached directly to the measurement location to minimize sampling losses.  They can be located at measuring locations that are difficult to access, including EX areas for the non-heatable sensors.

The robust and simple design ensures a long service life, easy cleaning and reliable calibration, carried out by the user on site.

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